Base oil for the automotive and industrial markets
A higher-level product
Lwart Environmental Solutions Group II base oils are designed to offer high-performance solutions for the lubricant industry.
We own the only base group II plant in Latin America, which is among the largest re-refining plants in the world.
Our production is a pioneer in Brazil, and it is only possible through hydrotreatment, a process of high efficiency and technology that promotes the oil transformation at the molecular level, resulting in an oil of higher purity and great performance in high performance engines.

A high-performance sustainable oil
Our base oils have a high performance in a wide portfolio of specifications. They can be used in different industrial segments such as automotive lubricants, food, insulating oil and agricultural adjuvants.
In addition, its life cycle - from collection to re-refining – it is brought to a perfect end, when we collect a potentially polluting waste for the environment and return to the market a product as good as the originally used.
The planet thanks you!
Thermal stability
Low aromatics content
to oxidation
Low sulphur
Low volatility
Be part
of this cycle!
When you choose Lwart Environmental Solutions for the collection of used oil or buy products from re-refining, it becomes part of a virtuous circle that contributes to the sustainable country´s development and the nature preservation.
Come and be a part of it!